Monday, September 28, 2015

Central American Independence Celebration - A Few Images and Brief Summation

We set up in record time!

Our audience early in the evening

Heritage Studies Alum, Ben Remillard ponders a poster
Dr. Joan Murray, Department of Communications (and honorary member of the Department of Humanities)

Thanks to the wonderful Ana Hidalgo and her colleagues from the Latin American Students Organization, our first Heritage Studies Event was a great success. With around 20-30 people in attendance, faculty, staff, and students (graduate and undergraduate, naturally) shared knowledge about Central America. My favorite comment of the evening was from a nursing student and LASO member, who noted that these kinds of events are important precisely because they fall outside of her normal course of study. While wanting to become a dedicated nurse now requires her to be highly focused in her coursework, co-curricular events allow her the opportunity to engage in other kinds of learning. It is precisely that attitude which informs so much of the field of Public History, and the Heritage Studies Graduate Program in particular.

Monday, September 21, 2015

A New Semester and Central American Independence!

The weather is slowly but surely changing over to fall, and the Regis campus is full of activity, including, of course, a Heritage Studies Event.

With the slightly later start of the semester, the Heritage Studies event for September--a celebration of Central American Independence--is being held a bit late. Although the actual date designated for acknowledging Central American Independence was September 15, we will be celebrating and learning about that history on September 24, from 4:00-6:00pm in the first floor of the Regis Library.  Our event coincides with a larger event on campus celebrating the Pope's historic visit to the United States; for more information see: Many thanks to LASO, the Department of Humanities, and the Co-Curricular Grant which is helping to make our event possible.

After the event, pictures (and perhaps some reflections) will be posted, so stay tuned!